We must, therefore, pursue the things that make for happiness, seeing that when happiness is present, we have everything; but when it is absent, we do everything to possess it. 

— Epicurus, Ancient Philosopher

Metier Viveura Metier Viveura

How to Be a Leader

Leadership is a misused and misunderstood concept that people aspire to without knowing what it really means. Here are the essential qualities every leader should have.

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How to Dream Big

You can't manifest big things if you don't have the capacity to dream big. Here’s how to positively fuel your imagination with thoughts that inspire and empower.

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What Matters Most in Life?

If I had to choose one question that I would ask you to reflect on, particularly when ushering in a new year, birthday or other milestone date, it would be: what matters to you most and why?

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What is Love?

Love is that elusive emotion that we try so hard to chase and explicate until it becomes a burdensome aspiration that leaves us feeling bewildered and deprived. But it need not be that way.

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