We must, therefore, pursue the things that make for happiness, seeing that when happiness is present, we have everything; but when it is absent, we do everything to possess it.
— Epicurus, Ancient Philosopher
How Luxury Brands Like Celine Are Embracing Sustainability
Sustainability is no longer a niche concern in luxury fashion—it has become a core business imperative.
Emerging Trends Within Luxury: A Market in Flux
Welcome to our ongoing series where we curate the latest developments in the luxury industry, providing insights for both professionals and consumers.
How I Achieved Financial Freedom: Simple Money Goals That Build Wealth
In the journey towards financial freedom and building wealth, navigating the ever-evolving landscape of investments, savings, and budgeting can be both exhilarating and daunting.
How to Build a Luxury Brand and Elevated Business
In the competitive world of luxury business, creating a luxury brand is a pursuit that demands strategic planning, creativity, and a deep understanding of consumer psychology.
How to Get Rich: A Blueprint for Becoming a Millionaire
Everyone wants to get rich, but not everyone understands how to become a millionaire. We provide a blueprint for building wealth and obtaining financial freedom.
A 9-Step Guide to Starting Your Dream Business
In order to start a thriving business you need a step-by-step business plan that will set you up for success. Get started today with our simple 9-step guide.
Create a Beautiful Brand With This 4-Step Brand Strategy
Want to build a unique brand that attracts and delights customers, and catapults your business to new levels of growth and revenue? Read on for our brand strategy basics.
How to Start a Lovely Blog and Earn a Living Blogging
Want to start or grow a blog to support a business or as a business itself? Here is an in-depth guide on how to make money blogging.
Personal Finance Lessons for Financial Freedom and Abundance
Wondering what it takes to be prosperous and live an abundant life? It starts with the right mindset and habits. Here are time-tested personal finance lessons for wealth-building.
How to Speak Eloquently: The Art of Articulation
The ability to communicate effectively is a skill set everyone needs but many lack. Here are simple tips to become more articulate.
How to Be Strategic
Here's why and how you can be more strategic in your life and work — even if you aren't a natural strategist.
How to Be a Leader
Leadership is a misused and misunderstood concept that people aspire to without knowing what it really means. Here are the essential qualities every leader should have.
The Power of Compound Interest in Building Wealth
Albert Einstein is attributed with saying: “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it. He who doesn't pays it.”