We must, therefore, pursue the things that make for happiness, seeing that when happiness is present, we have everything; but when it is absent, we do everything to possess it.
— Epicurus, Ancient Philosopher
Luxe + Leisure: Chicago Travel Guide
Chicago is a sophisticated blend of historic charm and modern luxury. From designer shopping to private yacht charters, discover this city at its most refined.
How to Be Elegant: Lessons From Audrey Hepburn and Other Classy Women
In the pursuit of elegance, the timeless charm and sophisticated grace of icons like Audrey Hepburn and her contemporaries offer a blueprint for achieving a persona that exudes class, style, and dignity.
25 Deep Conversation Starters to Connect Better
If small talk and chit chat are not your forte, consider these deep conversation starters to spark more intelligent and meaningful discussion.
Italian Dinner Party: 15 Aesthetic and Healthy Dishes
There's something magical about an Italian dinner party that brings people together through the love of tasty and healthy dishes, great company, and a touch of elegance.
A Complete Champagne Guide For Your Next Dinner Party
Sipping bubbly is one of life’s great delights, so I created a champagne guide with everything you need to know about how to select and serve it at your next dinner party.
Luxury Vision Board: How to Design and Manifest Your Mood Board
If you aspire to achieve a luxury lifestyle then a vision board is essential. Here's how to design and manifest an elevated mood board.
The Ultimate Guide to Hosting a Dinner Party
Hosting a dinner party can be a delightful way to bring friends and family together, creating lasting memories and fostering a sense of togetherness.
Why You Need an Everything Journal
The practice of writing in an everything journal is a timeless and effective way to declutter the mind, gain self-awareness, and foster personal growth.
Embrace Your Feminine Energy
Being in your feminine energy requires a mindset shift about what it takes to obtain your heart’s desires.
How to Feel Beautiful
Feeling beautiful is an essential pillar of self-love and a requisite for self-worth.
How to Speak Eloquently: The Art of Articulation
The ability to communicate effectively is a skill set everyone needs but many lack. Here are simple tips to become more articulate.
The Art of Letter Writing
Sending physical correspondence establishes a sense of personal connection that is lost when your words, thoughts and ideas are sent digitally.
How to Read
Learn the strategies I’ve developed over time to get more out of books by extracting, retaining, and applying their knowledge. Here's how to read better.
How to Organize Your Life and Increase Productivity
Increasing productivity requires you to organize your life in an intentional way. These 5 steps will show you how.
Become a Lady of Leisure
A lady of leisure typically evokes an image of a nonworking woman who sits around doing nothing all day. But I’m embracing a more inspiring idea of this phrase.
How to Live a Luxury Lifestyle
Luxury is so much more than just indulging in expensive things. It is an elevated way of thinking, being and living.
How to Build a Productive Morning Routine and Positive Daily Habits
How would I structure my day if there was no one putting demands on my time and attention? How might I get the most out of each day while balancing my various interests and commitments?