How to Build a Productive Morning Routine and Positive Daily Habits

How would you structure your day if there was no one putting demands on your time and attention? What morning routine and daily habits would help you get the most out of each day?

I’m reflecting on the month I spent in Istanbul several years ago. I remember looking out onto the Bosphorus while simultaneously listening to the afternoon Adhan that drowns out the hustle and bustle of the harbor with its bold and beautiful proclamation of faith and worship. These are the moments that I dreamed of when I decided to quit my traditional job and become a lady of leisure, giving give me the flexibility to explore the world.

When I first embarked on life as a creative entrepreneur, I struggled to organize my life in a way that would allow me to take full advantage of my newfound freedom. I kept up an out-of-date work cadence that didn't fit in with my current reality. I believed I had to work a certain number of hours during a certain time of day and, despite all the effort to get to this point, I actually felt guilty for partaking in such an indulgent lifestyle.

Finally, my significant other (and travel companion) called me out on this self-sabotaging behavior and I realized that it made no sense to be in these awe-inspiring places without being fully present. So when we touched down in Turkey I redefined my concept of a morning routine and adopted more suitable daily habits. I asked myself: how would I structure my day if there was no one putting demands on my time and attention? How might I get the most out of each day while balancing my various interests and commitments?

There's a significant interest in morning routines, following the quirky schedules of historical greats, and incorporating specific practices and daily habits into each day (e.g. meditation, visualization, etc). Of course, every productivity expert and lifestyle guru touts that his or her approach will lead to the perfect day and ultimately the best personal and professional outcomes. I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach so I’ve read and borrowed from many of these ideas, ultimately crafting a leisure-first schedule tailored to me:

Morning Routine (Develop)

Wake up to the sunlight (no alarm clock), open every window in my flat to get a burst of air, drink water to rehydrate, then journal. After indulging in my lengthy beauty regimen, have a green tea. The purpose here is to do all of the self-development and self-care activities that would otherwise be neglected if pushed to later in the day.

Afternoon Routine (Explore)

Dedicate afternoons to taking advantage of the daytime hours and exploring whatever town I’m in. It feels unnatural to spend the entire day indoors under the assault of artificial lights and stale air. I particularly love long walks be it along a coast, in the woods, or in town, jumping in and out of cafes, bookstores, and galleries seeking creative inspiration.

Evening Routine (Work)

My productivity seems to surge after an energetic bout outdoors taking in all sorts of stimuli and I’m typically bubbling with ideas that I’m eager to get out. So I use the early evening to work uninterrupted: brainstorming new ideas, writing, taking phone calls, updating my social accounts, and organizing myself for the following day.

Dinner Routine (Socialize)

Up until this point, I've had a lot of personal time so I'm eager to commune with others. I prefer an easy night out or simple dinner party (even if it’s only for 1-2) including wine with an excellent meal. I don't worry about how long I stay out because I'm not concerned about any work left undone.

Sleep Routine (Restore)

My bedtime routine consists of the night version of my skincare routine, a chamomile tea, and a book to unwind. As a light sleeper who wakes up early, I do have to be mindful to retire at a time that gives me at least six full hours of sleep. With that, I’m revived and ready for the next day.

To be transparent, depending on my timezone, level of jet lag, mood, or workload, I may not always flow through the day in exactly this order. However, the best feature about this particular approach is that its modular structure allows for a lot of flexibility. The only restriction I try to adhere to is keeping similar activities grouped within the associated time blocks, but I can rearrange the blocks within my schedule as needed.

My leisurely routine is only an example. It is not a luxury if you attempt to force fit yourself into someone else’s way of doing things. The goal is to exercise a greater level of consciousness when it comes to how you spend your day, and empower yourself to make the necessary changes to maximize time spent doing things you love. Particularly for creatives, integrating activities that inspire you and help unlock fresh ideas is essential.

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Build Your Morning Routine 

The way you start your day sets the tone for the entire day. A productive morning routine can significantly impact your overall well-being and set you up for success. Now that I’ve shown a personal example of what that could look like, let’s delve into the elements of building an effective morning routine and tailoring it to your specific needs. 


The first step in building a productive morning routine is to determine what you need to get out of it. A well-designed morning routine can accomplish several things including streamlining your schedule, strengthening your familial relationships, and reducing overwhelm. The goal here is to define what you need to do to start your day intentionally, so you can carry that momentum forward into the rest of your day.


One you set the overarching purpose of your morning routine, now you can start to identify specific goals and objectives. What do you want to accomplish during this time?  Whether it's exercising more, cultivating mindfulness, or getting ahead in your career, align your morning routine with these objectives. This clarity should guide the activities you include in your routine.


To make your morning routine as productive as possible, think about how much time you need to give yourself to focus your attention and achieve what you want. You don’t want this period to feel rushed or end up being a burden. Also organize yourself so you have everything in place to make this morning time block run smoothly. For instance, if you will exercise during this period set out your workout gear the night before.  

Daily Habits to Consider 

If you aren’t sure what activities to incorporate into your morning routine, and what activities you need be mindful of during the rest of the day, consider these daily habits. Having a set of habits that you commit to routinely sets the foundation for the morning, and entire day, going smoothly. 


Take time to set clear plans and intentions for the day ahead. Review your schedule and to-do list for the day to prioritize tasks and allocate your time effectively. Having a clear plan in place helps reduce stress and overwhelm and ensures you're focusing on what matters most


Wellness should also be incorporated into any routine. Taking regular breaks and reserving time for self-care are necessary habits to help you recharge and prevent burnout. Your self-care routine can include elements such as: properly hydrating, eating healthy meals, engaging in physical activity, setting up a beauty routine, and/or practicing gratitude and mindfulness. 


Sleep is so fundamental to both productivity and wellness that it should be looked at as a special consideration, not an afterthought. Most important are establishing a consistent sleep schedule and making sure the hours of sleep you get are adequate. Every individual’s sleep needs may differ, but most of us need to regulate our body's internal clock and have high sleep quality. 

As mentioned before, there is no one size fits all routine, so customize your morning routine to suit your preferences and lifestyle. Don't be afraid to experiment until you find what routine and set of daily habits work best for you. The end goal is intentionality so you can create a supporting foundation for a fulfilling and successful day ahead.


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