How to Feel Beautiful

Image Source: Unknown

Feeling beautiful is an essential pillar of self-love and a requisite for self-worth. 

Whether or not you deem beauty to be a superficial aspect of life, there is no denying that it is a powerful force. Beauty dictates what we are drawn to and what we attract. It sways and influences and ascribes value to things. 

Beauty is any combination of qualities that pleases, allures, and incites desire. Life would not be worth living without it because it is the manifestation of pleasure. 

There are many things you can do to increase happiness. One of the most effective is improving your self-image, or how you see yourself. Even if you can't change most of the circumstances in your life, you can shift the way you feel about yourself. 

Enhancing your looks is one way to approach this. However, feeling beautiful is not necessarily about looking a certain way. It's primarily a matter of seeking beauty and immersing yourself in it. 

When you pursue beauty, you can't help but feel beautiful. In moderation, the emotions of desire and pleasure are uplifting energies. They excite and quicken your heart. They give you something to look forward to. 

These emotions also prime you for love — whether of a person, place, or thing. When you exude love, you also experience its warm embrace. Healthy doses of attraction and affection release feel-good hormones that boost your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

We know that from time to time, there arise among human beings, people who seem to exude love as naturally as the sun gives out heat.

Alan Watts

Smile about something 

Don't fake a smile just for the sake of it. Instead, engage in something that brings about genuine joy. 

Make flattering remarks 

Words are powerful, so use them wisely. Since you are the first to absorb what you say, speak good things — to yourself and others.

Own something luxurious 

They don't have to be expensive or excessive, but little luxuries that enhance your appearance or surroundings will also elevate your mood. 

Consume a delicious meal 

Indulge your senses with well-plated delicacies that look, smell, and taste heavenly. 

Visit a delightful destination 

Go somewhere where beauty is the predominant theme, whether a botanical garden or a modern art museum. 

Look at pretty pictures 

Images are powerful for their ability to instantly transport us into scenes where we can experience beauty without having to actually be there. 

Become more elegant 

Be beautiful within by cultivating kindness and compassion. That inner light has a way of positively impacting how others perceive you and how you see yourself. 


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