Embrace Your Feminine Energy
Being in your feminine energy requires a mindset shift about what it takes to obtain your heart’s desires.
The common and most acceptable way to get what you want is to chase after it. Modern society values taking action and doing things in order to succeed.
Those who exude the most dominant traits appear to be the ones who reap all the rewards. Yet, this is a major misconception about how the world works.
Though masculine (or "active") energy is prominent, it's also exhausting. Those who only operate in this mode expend a lot of energy and are prone to burnout.
However, there's another way that you can gain in this world. Being in the feminine (or "passive" energy) is an easier and more efficient mode of living.
What is feminine energy?
Feminine energy is a way of being that anyone can embody to easily manifest their desires. This state of being allows you to benefit by going with the flow.
How to be in your feminine energy
Instead of aggressively trying to force things to be what they aren't, you become savvy at understanding and leveraging what life presents. Here are feminine energy traits you can embody to effortlessly get what you want.
11 feminine energy traits
It's easier to lure than pursue, so master the art of seduction by learning how to draw opportunities to you. Being magnetic is the secret to feminine energy.
Set your standards and don't violate them. Know what you want and what you don't. You may not be able to control everything that comes to you, but you can control what you allow in your life.
Preserve your energy by not always being the one to take action, launch things, or drive contact. Lean back and let others take the lead, jumpstart initiatives, and reach out to you.
Practice being receptive. Don't feel obligated to repay someone who gives to you. Allow them to do, gift, solve, and lead, while you receive from them with gratitude.
Inauthenticity is draining so be consistent in how you speak and act. The best way to do this is to be real so that your behavior reflects who you truly are.
Gain everything with ease
Pursue pleasure and embrace leisure by channeling your feminine energy to go with the flow, attract what you want, and design your ideal life.
Be open, honest and vulnerable. Learn how to share your thoughts and express your feelings while staying in command of your emotions.
Don't be combative or engage in conflict. Be firm in your standards and beliefs without forcing them on others. If you must disagree, do it graciously and without escalation.
Minimize complaining. Encourage desired behavior with attention and positive feedback. Discourage undesired behavior by ignoring and withdrawing. Use positive reinforcement and reverse psychology.
Become more noticeable by distinguishing your style and personality to stand out from others. Feminine energy is confident, nonconformist, and free-spirited.
Withhold parts of yourself to be elusive and incite curiosity. Be mysterious and intriguing with the use of distance, disinterest, and detachment.
Relax your expectations and concern about outcomes. Don't wait around anxiously for anyone or anything. Keep living while life unfolds.