We must, therefore, pursue the things that make for happiness, seeing that when happiness is present, we have everything; but when it is absent, we do everything to possess it.
— Epicurus, Ancient Philosopher
Learn Who You Are With a Personality Test
Knowing your personality type can empower you to make more informed decisions about how you live and work.
What is an Enneagram Test?
Heard about the Enneagram test but aren't sure what it is exactly or if you should take it? Here is everything you need to know.
Shadow Work: Knowing Yourself
The shadow represents the hidden and repressed aspects of the personality that can lead to self-sabotage when not allowed expression.
What is Astrology?
Astrology is the ancient philosophical belief that events on earth can be explained by the movement of the planets. The premise is that the entire universe is connected and contains patterns that reveal this connectivity.