What is Astrology?
Astrology is the ancient philosophical belief that events on earth can be explained by the movement of the planets. The premise is that the entire universe is connected and contains patterns that, when uncovered, reveal this connectivity.
Regardless if you believe in it or not, astrology serves as a fascinating snapshot of the human psyche and there are many lessons you can learn from studying it. It is not a science in the generally accepted sense, but neither should it be classified as divination. In fact, astrology is based on thousands of years of meticulous observations and calculations that provide a reasonable amount of evidence that "as above, so below."
This maxim actually sums up the essence of astrology that celestial bodies correlate with what we experience here on earth. It sounds outlandish and has yet to be proven via the standards set by the scientific method. However that method is limited in its ability to explain natural phenomenon. And, it is hard to deny the strong connection between specific individual, societal and natural events and specific positions that the planets take up during a given period and place in the sky.
The best way to approach and understand astrology is to familiarize yourself with the mythology that personifies each planet. Our ancient ancestors made sense of the patterns they detected between heaven and earth by creating profiles of deities that had distinct personalities, and were responsible for certain themes like love, wealth, knowledge and war.
Though we've graduated from a literal belief in gods and goddesses, we can still feel their involvement in our lives. In modern times, we call the energy of these entities archetypes, as put forth by Carl Jung and other psychoanalysts. Archetypes are innate dispositions embedded in our collective consciousness. These are inherited patterns of perceiving, thinking and being that we all share and act out.
Jung also made popular the concept of synchronicity, and it is the consistent finding that happenings up there correspond to occurrences down here that makes astrology so compelling. These meaningful coincidences evade modern science, but because they are impossible to deny they still fuel an entire belief system.
Ask any labor nurse and she will tell you that it seems awfully more busy in the delivery ward on a full moon than any other day. Science adamantly rejects this claim but for many childbirth professionals, the uptick in deliveries during this phase happens invariably.
Up until the 17th century, astrology and astronomy were actually one field. Yet as we shifted into the age of reason, we preferred intellectual rigor over intuitive knowledge. Suddenly the explanation for all phenomena was reduced to a handful of governing principles. Anything that couldn't be explained by these principles was ignored. Any attempt to explain phenomena using methods not sanctioned by these more rational principles was called pseudoscience.
So astronomy broke away from astrology and was elevated as a scientific discipline while its sister was demoted to esotericism along with alchemy and other occult beliefs. In a blink of an eye, an age-old practice once worthy enough to guide the hand of kings and queens became disgraced.
Despite its fall from power, astrology is making a strong comeback along with other spiritual and philosophical practices that operated in the shadows after the so-called enlightenment dimmed and dulled our sensitivity to the metaphysical realm. For generations we've deemed ourselves to be separate, isolated even, from the rest of the universe. More and more we are starting to become aware of this error in perception.
Astrology is akin to mythology in that, whether or not you deem it to be real, it is a framework that our ancestors developed to try and demystify the many enigmas of the universe. You don’t have to be a disciple to analyze the myths and benefit from their lessons.
Astrology is the practice of studying the sky, specifically observing the solar system. The earth and all other visible planets revolve around the sun forming a celestial coordinate system which charts their path of movement over time. This system can be used to determine their relative positions and, interestingly, it forms a three-dimensional circle which inspired the innovation of the clock (i.e. the sundial).
The basic elements of astrology are planets, signs and houses. Planets represent fundamental principles or perhaps laws, both positive and negative, that we experience throughout life. In personified form, they are the gods and goddesses. Zodiac signs represent archetypes, or typical patterns of perceiving and behaving in life.
Since signs are "ruled" by planets, think of them as the way in which the planets express themselves through us or how we embody certain principles under certain situations. Finally, houses are the different but interconnected areas of life that are organized by themes (for example, relationships and career).
Each person has a natal chart that is generated from their exact date, time and location of birth. This chart is in the form of a wheel (mimicking the circular shape of the solar system) and outlines the position of the planets, signs and houses at that moment in time, illuminating the life path of the individual (i.e. “native”). In fact, the astrological chart is the very definition of a horoscope and, as you can see, it is much more complex than the generic sun sign readings you find in popular magazines.
The native can turn to the birth chart and, with the guidance of an astrologer, supposedly interpret how transiting planets (the current or future positions of these celestial bodies) will activate certain themes and events in her life. Again, it has yet to be determined if these planetary energies are causal, but for ease of explanation they are said to be influential.
Astrology can also be used to determine and pursue your life's purpose, possibly leading to a greater sense of fulfillment. In fact, the natal chart is perhaps better suited as a guide to understanding and navigating important life lessons vs. a predictive mechanism.
It could be the ultimate tool in increasing self-awareness, self-worth and self-actualization. It’s much more empowering when you see it as a means of exercising free will and designing your destiny — instead of a fate you must surrender to.
The skepticism behind astrology is understandable. However it is such an intriguing system of belief that many reputable philosophers, historians and psychologists are renewing interest in it and conducting in-depth research to uncover any evidence that back its claims. Do you believe in astrology or think it’s worth studying? What good or bad can come from applying its theories to your life?