Change Your Life With Magic

Magic is making a comeback and swiftly garnering mainstream acceptance. Here's how to use it to change your life.

As a student of philosophy, I enjoy reading about and researching many different disciplines including those of an esoteric nature. During my studies of late, I've noticed that magic (or magick) is having a comeback and swiftly garnering mainstream acceptance.

From tarot and crystals to auras and reiki, unconventional objects and practices are becoming commonplace as women seek to exert more control over their lives. But the essence of modern magic is not much different than other ancient or modern schools of thought. The entire premise is based on the notion that you are a co-creator with the divine.

You are constantly casting spells — whether consciously or subconsciously — that create the conditions you experience in your life. Magic is simply the ability to bring about change. However, a skilled practitioner of magic is able to manifest changes intentionally, so they are in alignment with her will.

This ability can be cultivated with time and effort, but it starts by being mindful of the ways in which you are influencing your life and bringing about favorable or unfavorable outcomes. To master the art of spellwork means to exert greater command over your:

  • Intentions (Emotions, Desires) — knowing what matters most and what you really want

  • Perceptions (Thoughts, Words) — orienting your mindset around what you want

  • Actions (Habits, Deeds) — aligning your behavior with what you want

You have the power to charm or curse your life, with or without palo santo or candle rituals. And although external forces do factor in, remember you are the main enchantress.


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