The Benefits of an Evening Shower

There's nothing like warm running water to get your mind and body in the mood for rest. Here's why I take a shower every night.

I've had periods of time where I've been so overworked and exhausted, that I'd collapse into bed at the end of the day without any type of evening routine. Those would be my worst sleep nights because, even though I was tired, I was not mentally or physically prepared for bed. As a light sleeper, I need the conditions to be ideal to get to sleep and stay asleep. I've since learned that a bedtime routine is essential for my ability to rest well.

I've experimented with different elements of my routine and have recently settled on a simple lineup that is quite effective. It includes an herbal tea, sleep tincture, full body stretch, and blue light detox (though still working on being more disciplined about putting away my phone at night). However, once I added an evening shower right before I was ready to go to sleep, it enhanced my routine tenfold.

I grew up bathing at night, so this wasn't a foreign concept. As a child, there was no way I'd be allowed into bed before ridding myself of all the messiness children get themselves into during the day. It was only as an adult that I gradually stopped this ritual. I'd be so busy that all I wanted to do was get into pajamas and fall into bed. Even the act of winding down felt like too much of a chore.

As I've come to prioritize living over working, I don't feel that level of exhaustion anymore and I also have ample time to relax at night. Once I chose to round out my ritual with an evening shower, I started sleeping more soundly through the night than I have in a very long time. You may already take an evening bath or shower and, if so, then I probably don't need to tell you the benefits. However, if this is something you don't currently engage in, I hope I can convince you otherwise.

Cleanse the body

Of course, the main goal of showering is cleaning your body, but doing it in the evening shifts it from being a task to a ritual. When you aren't rushing to start the day, you can slow down and indulge in this purification process. I recommend treating yourself to premium products too. My lineup includes essentials from Necessaire, Aesop, and Chanel.

Clear your mind

In addition to cleaning your body, you also get to wash away the mental clutter. A shower is such an effective way to put your mind at ease. The feeling and sound of running water are soothing which can help you more easily slip into a serene state. Even better, throw on a classical music playlist in the background to create a heavenly experience.

Ease the tension

If you have any pain, tension, or inflammation in your body a shower can provide relief. When I lived in Germany I started Kneipp — a form of hydrotherapy that involves alternating between hot and cold water. This therapeutic process helps decrease swelling, soreness, and stiffness while also increasing blood circulation and overall revitalization.

Keep linens fresh

I've never felt comfortable getting into bed with a soiled body, but the fatigue from trying to do too much would get the best of me. The beauty of taking time to wash at night is that you keep your bed fresh (it feels so much better lingering in clean linens). I prefer sheets made from natural fabrics like silk, linen, or 100% cotton, as they feel luxurious and help regulate your body temperature. My favorite sets are by Frette and Restoration Hardware.

I recommend you start your bedtime and shower routine at least an hour before you want to go to sleep. I like to snooze by 10:00 pm so I initiate wind-down at 9 pm. This way you start before you get too sleepy to make an excuse not to do it, and can truly enjoy the process. Also, my evening shower doesn't replace my morning shower which I use to wake up and start the day fully refreshed.


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